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Stories of hope and resilience, Share yours.
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Sep 9, 20207 min read
Halo of Light: A COVID-19 Story
What if my baby caught it?
I knew from that moment that, no matter the cost, I would fight to protect my family.
Apr 8, 20208 min read
Galloping Through the DarknessÂ
Isn’t it funny how we always stick a label on ourselves? From where we were born to what we do, somehow we always manage to tie a label...
Mar 9, 20208 min read
In an Ocean of Darkness
A bird loves to feel the wind in his wings and the clouds brushing his feathers as he flies. It is exhilarating. It is his life...
Feb 10, 20206 min read
And What of My Legacy?
I used to ask, “What is the purpose of educating young girls? What are they good for? Why would I ever want a daughter...
Dec 6, 20198 min read
Debora Niwa, Wife of the Elephants
...As a child, I spent most of my time outside. The more time I spent in it, the closer I grew to it, and my love reached further...
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